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{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
, pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system; config = { }; }
inherit (pkgs.lib) concatMapStrings listToAttrs optionals optionalString;
inherit (import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; }) makeTest;
hello32 = "${pkgs.pkgsCross.mingw32.hello}/bin/hello.exe";
hello64 = "${pkgs.pkgsCross.mingwW64.hello}/bin/hello.exe";
makeWineTest = packageSet: exes: variant: rec {
name = "${packageSet}-${variant}";
value = makeTest {
inherit name;
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ chkno ]; };
nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs."${packageSet}"."${variant}" ];
virtualisation.diskSize = 800;
testScript = ''
${concatMapStrings (exe: ''
greeting = machine.succeed(
"bash -c 'wine ${exe} 2> >(tee wine-stderr >&2)'"
assert 'Hello, world!' in greeting
# only the full version contains Gecko, but the error is not printed reliably in other variants
+ optionalString (variant == "full") ''
"fgrep 'Could not find Wine Gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.' wine-stderr"
'') exes}
variants = [ "base" "full" "minimal" "staging" "unstable" "wayland" ];
listToAttrs (
map (makeWineTest "winePackages" [ hello32 ]) variants
++ optionals pkgs.stdenv.is64bit
(map (makeWineTest "wineWowPackages" [ hello32 hello64 ]) variants)