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{ lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, installShellFiles }:
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "syft";
version = "0.45.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "anchore";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-oexsu52x9rAqwTVxTVHzKPuaIfvg5lvvuBmKcnb2Yew=";
# populate values that require us to use git. By doing this in postFetch we
# can delete .git afterwards and maintain better reproducibility of the src.
leaveDotGit = true;
postFetch = ''
cd "$out"
git rev-parse HEAD > $out/COMMIT
# 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
date -u -d "@$(git log -1 --pretty=%ct)" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" > $out/SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
find "$out" -name .git -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
vendorSha256 = "sha256-d6ZBWX4/lgh610fBLTE1EUqZmpctLfxi2PSRifH+1jg=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ];
subPackages = [ "." ];
ldflags = [
preBuild = ''
ldflags+=" -X$(cat COMMIT)"
ldflags+=" -X$(cat SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)"
# tests require a running docker instance
doCheck = false;
postInstall = ''
# avoid update checks when generating completions
installShellCompletion --cmd syft \
--bash <($out/bin/syft completion bash) \
--fish <($out/bin/syft completion fish) \
--zsh <($out/bin/syft completion zsh)
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
changelog = "${version}";
description = "CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems";
longDescription = ''
A CLI tool and Go library for generating a Software Bill of Materials
(SBOM) from container images and filesystems. Exceptional for
vulnerability detection when used with a scanner tool like Grype.
license = with licenses; [ asl20 ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ jk ];