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diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 1ba08e0..9248b76 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -56,10 +56,16 @@
<target name="compilejni" unless="isWindows">
<description>JNI compilation task (builds ... for unix-like operating systems only)</description>
<!--Generate the JNI header-->
- <javah destdir="${root}/jni" force="yes" classpath="${root}/lib/areca.jar">
- <class name="com.myJava.file.metadata.posix.jni.wrapper.FileAccessWrapper"/>
- </javah>
+ <exec executable="javah">
+ <arg value="-d"/>
+ <arg value="${root}/jni"/>
+ <arg value="-force"/>
+ <arg value="-classpath"/>
+ <arg value="${root}/lib/areca.jar"/>
+ <arg value="com.myJava.file.metadata.posix.jni.wrapper.FileAccessWrapper"/>
+ </exec>
<!-- Compile the JNI code -->
<exec dir="${root}/jni" executable="gcc">