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{ stdenv
, lib
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, mock
, parameterized
, pyelftools
, pytestCheckHook
, pythonOlder
, six
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "aws-lambda-builders";
version = "1.20.0";
format = "setuptools";
disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "awslabs";
repo = "aws-lambda-builders";
rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
hash = "sha256-+XOxz3xWIYacfUizztd4mH5kvBw/dkN9WiS38dONs7Y=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
checkInputs = [
disabledTests = [
# CLI don't work in the sandbox
# Don't tests integrations
# Tests which are passing locally but not on Hydra
pythonImportsCheck = [
meta = with lib; {
broken = (stdenv.isLinux && stdenv.isAarch64);
description = "Tool to compile, build and package AWS Lambda functions";
homepage = "";
longDescription = ''
Lambda Builders is a Python library to compile, build and package
AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks.
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dhkl ];