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690 B

{ coq, mkCoqDerivation, mathcomp-ssreflect, mathcomp-fingroup,
lib, version ? null }@args:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
namePrefix = [ "coq" "mathcomp" ];
pname = "tarjan";
owner = "math-comp";
inherit version;
defaultVersion = with versions;
switch [ coq.version mathcomp-ssreflect.version ] [{
cases = [ (range "8.10" "8.15") (isGe "1.12.0") ]; out = "1.0.0";
}] null;
release."1.0.0".sha256 = "sha256:0r459r0makshzwlygw6kd4lpvdjc43b3x5y9aa8x77f2z5gymjq1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ mathcomp-ssreflect mathcomp-fingroup ];
meta = {
description = "Proofs of Tarjan and Kosaraju connected components algorithms";
license = licenses.cecill-b;