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{ lib, buildDunePackage, fetchurl
, ppx_sexp_conv, ppx_cstruct
, mirage-crypto, mirage-crypto-rng, mirage-crypto-pk
, x509, cstruct, cstruct-unix, cstruct-sexp, sexplib, eqaf
, rresult, mtime, logs, fmt, cmdliner, base64, hacl_x25519
, zarith
buildDunePackage rec {
pname = "awa";
version = "0.0.5";
minimumOCamlVersion = "4.07";
useDune2 = true;
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/awa-${version}.tbz";
sha256 = "14hqzmikp3hlynhs0wnwj2491106if183swsl7ldk4215a0b7ms4";
nativeBuildInputs = [ ppx_cstruct ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [
mirage-crypto mirage-crypto-rng mirage-crypto-pk x509
cstruct cstruct-sexp sexplib mtime
logs base64 hacl_x25519 zarith
ppx_sexp_conv eqaf
doCheck = true;
checkInputs = [ cstruct-unix cmdliner fmt ];
meta = with lib; {
description = "SSH implementation in OCaml";
homepage = "";
changelog = "${version}/";
license = licenses.isc;
maintainers = [ maintainers.sternenseemann ];