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28 lines
720 B

args: with args;
stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
name = "ocaml-3.11.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "8c36a28106d4b683a15c547dfe4cb757a53fa9247579d1cc25bd06a22cc62e50";
prefixKey = "-prefix ";
configureFlags = ["-no-tk" "-x11lib" x11];
buildFlags = "world bootstrap world.opt";
buildInputs = [x11 ncurses];
installTargets = "install installopt";
patchPhase = ''
CAT=$(type -tp cat)
sed -e "s@/bin/cat@$CAT@" -i config/auto-aux/sharpbang
meta = {
homepage =;
license = "QPL, LGPL2 (library part)";
desctiption = "Most popular variant of the Caml language";