Tweak flake outputs and README

oxalica 3 years ago
parent 4c09255aeb
commit 40e2748d32
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: CED392DE0C483D00
  1. 128
  2. 25

@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
# rust-overlay
*Pure and reproducible* overlay for binary distributed rust toolchains.
A better replacement for github:mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
A compatible but better replacement for rust overlay of [github:mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla][mozilla].
Hashes of toolchain components are pre-fetched (and compressed) in `manifests` directory.
So there's no need to have network access during nix evaluation (but nixpkgs-mozilla does).
Hashes of toolchain components are pre-fetched (and compressed) in tree (`manifests` directory),
so the evaluation is *pure* and no need to have network (but [nixpkgs-mozilla][mozilla] does).
It also works well with [Nix Flakes](
Since the evaluation is now *pure*, it also means this can work well with [Nix Flakes](
- [ ] Auto-updating is TODO.
- The toolchain hashes are auto-updated daily using GitHub Actions.
- Current oldest supported version is stable 1.29.0 and nightly 2018-09-13
(which is randomly chosen).
## Use as classical nix overlay
The installaction and usage are exactly the same as nixpkgs-mozilla.
You can follow and just replace the url to
## Use as a classic Nix overlay
You can put the code below into your `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix`.
[ (import (builtins.fetchTarball ]
[ (import (builtins.fetchTarball "")) ]
Then the provided attribute paths are available in nix command.
$ nix-env -iA rust-bin.stable.latest.rust # Do anything you like.
Or install it into `nix-channel`:
Alternatively, you can install it into nix channels.
$ nix-channel --add rust-overlay
$ nix-channel --update
And then feel free to use it anywhere like
`import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ (import <rust-overlay>) ] }` in your nix shell environment
`import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ (import <rust-overlay>) ]; }` in your nix shell environment.
## Use with Nix Flakes
This repository already has flake support. So you can simply use it as input.
Here's an example of using it in nixos configuration.
This repository already has flake support.
NOTE: **Only the output `overlay` is stable and preferred to be used in your flake.**
Other outputs like `packages` and `defaultPackage` are for human try and are subject to change.
For a quick play, just use `nix shell` to bring the latest stable rust toolchain into scope.
(All commands below requires preview version of Nix with flake support.)
$ nix shell github:oxalica/rust-overlay
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29)
$ cargo --version
cargo 1.49.0 (d00d64df9 2020-12-05)
Here's an example of using it in nixos configuration.
description = "My configuration";
@ -52,7 +65,7 @@ Here's an example of using it in nixos configuration.
./configuration.nix # Your system configuration.
({ pkgs, ... }: {
nixpkgs.overlays = [ rust-overlay.overlay ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.latest.rustChannels.stable.rust ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.rust-bin.stable.latest.rust ];
@ -61,31 +74,72 @@ Here's an example of using it in nixos configuration.
## Interface
## Attributes provided by the overlay
rust-bin = {
# The default dist url for fetching.
# Override it if you want to use a mirror server.
distRoot = "";
stable = {
# The latest stable toolchain.
latest = {
# Aggregate all default components. (recommended)
rust = «derivation»;
# Individial components.
rustc = «derivation»;
cargo = «derivation»;
rust-std = «derivation»;
# ... other components
"1.49.0" = { /* toolchain */ };
"1.48.0" = { /* toolchain */ };
# ... other versions.
The overlay re-use many codes from nixpkgs/mozilla and the interface is **almost the same**.
It provides `latest.rustChannels.{stable,nightly}.<toolchain-component>` and `rustChannelOf`.
nightly = {
# The latest nightly toolchain.
latest = { /* toolchain */ };
"2020-12-31" = { /* toolchain */ };
"2020-12-30" = { /* toolchain */ };
# ... other versions.
To use the latest stable or nightly rust toolchain, the easiest way is just to install
`latest.rustChannels.{stable,nightly}.rust`, which combines `rustc`, `cargo`, `rustfmt` and
all other default components.
# ... Some internal attributes omitted.
You can also pin to specific nightly toolchain using `rustChannelOf`:
(nixpkgs.rustChannelOf { date = "2020-01-01"; channel = "nightly"; }).rust
# These are for compatibility with nixpkgs-mozilla and
# provide same toolchains as `rust-bin.*`.
latest.rustChannels = /* ... */;
rustChannelOf = /* ... */;
rustChannelOfTargets = /* ... */;
rustChannels = /* ... */;
Customize an toolchain.
Some examples (assume `nixpkgs` had the overlay applied):
- Latest stable rust with all default components:
- Latest nightly rust with all default components:
- A specific version of stable rust:
- A specific date of nightly rust:
- Latest stable rust with additional component `rust-src` and extra target
nixpkgs.latest.rustChannels.stable.rust.override {
extensions = [
targets = [
nixpkgs.rust-bin.stable.latest.rust.override {
extensions = [ "rust-src" ];
targets = [ "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" ];
For more details, see `./rust-overlay.nix` or README of
For detail about `override` , see the source code of `./rust-overlay.nix`,
or README of [nixpkgs-mozilla][mozilla].

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
description = ''
Pure and reproducible overlay for binary distributed rust toolchains.
A better replacement for github:mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
A compatible but better replacement for rust overlay of github:mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla.
inputs = {
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }@inputs: let
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
overlay = import ./default.nix;
overlay = import ./.;
allSystems = [
@ -23,19 +24,31 @@
in {
overlay = final: prev: overlay final prev;
} // flake-utils.lib.eachSystem allSystems (system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ overlay ]; };
in rec {
# `defaultApp`, `defaultPackage` and `packages` are for human only.
# They are subject to change and **DO NOT** depend on them in your flake.
# Please use `overlay` instead.
defaultApp = {
type = "app";
program = "${defaultPackage}/bin/rustc";
defaultPackage = packages.rust-stable;
packages = {
rust-stable = pkgs.latest.rustChannels.stable.rust;
rust-nightly = pkgs.latest.rustChannels.nightly.rust;
defaultPackage = packages.rust;
# FIXME: We can only directly provide derivations here without nested set.
# Currently we only provide stable releases. Some nightly versions have components missing
# on some platforms, which makes `nix flake check` to be failed.
packages =
lib.mapAttrs' (version: comps: {
name = "rust-${lib.replaceStrings ["."] ["-"] version}";
value = comps.rust;
}) pkgs.rust-bin.stable // {
rust = packages.rust-latest;
checks = {
